Our ESG Information
Our ESG Information
To achieve sustainability and enrich communities together with our customers and partners, we are practicing sustainability management to fulfill our social responsibility and create shared social value.
Solving societal issues, driving growth, and contributing to sustainability.
With climate change, geopolitical risks, and other events threatening the sustainability of humankind, corporations are expected to play a leading role in addressing human rights issues, environmental devastation, and myriad other sustainability challenges.
We are working in line with E Ink’s value creation story to solve issues and provide value.
E Ink Evolves with the World
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Sustainability and Profitability Equally Important
Response to Climate Change
E Ink was certified as “Dark Sky Approved” in late 2021.
E Ink was certified as “Dark Sky Approved” in late 2021.
IDA’s certifies outdoor lighting fixtures as being Dark Sky Friendly, meaning that they minimize glare while reducing light trespass and skyglow.
E Ink’s electronic paper is the only digital display technology that has been certified by the Dark Sky Association.
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